10 October 2015

Choc Shot Review!x

A little while ago I came across a product called 'Sweet Freedom'. I was very surprised to have not heard of it. I had tried so many sugar alternatives and here was something I could buy easily in my local supermarket. I wrote to 'Sweet Freedom' and they sent me this new revolutionary liquid chocolate, based on 'Sweet Freedom' and not containing refined sugar or anything that will cause intense sugar highs to review. I enjoyed sampling and testing it out and it was so good that I regularly buy the Choc Shot now.


Recently I've been testing this "bad-boy" out, trying it on different things.

What with winter coming soon, lots of people ask me 'how can I make porridge more bearable?' Porridge is a love it or hate it kinda thing, but a bowl in the morning really will stave off hunger and cravings so it's a really good staple for me... some people love it just as it is... others add stewed fruit, banana, cinnamon, honey all kinds of things, but if you love chocolate... you need this bad boy! You literally only need a few drops of it, depending on how big of a chocoholic you are, but it give porridge that sweet choccie kick that's yum! It's so comforting and its exactly what you'll need on the dark winter mornings ahead of us!x


This  stuff can be used is SO many ways... add a dash to warm milk and you've a fat free chocolate with no powdery lumps going on... If chocolate orange is your thing you can add a bit to your toast and marmalade... Its perfect to add to ice cream.

Drizzle it over meringues and yoghurt, or make a coffee into a mocha or even a few drops on a pancake... it's a winner for all the sweet teeth out there... and with Halloween on the horizon we'll need to keep our eye on the ball with the chocolate goodies incoming, this is just the thing to have into cupboard to get your 'fix'! I mean the Christmas tins of roses are out already!

Overall I think this liquid chocolate is amazing and so handy. Plus it saves you money ;) 

Here's a list of where you can buy Choc Shot- http://www.sweetfreedom.co.uk/index.php/where-to-buy

It also comes in other flavours such as Choc Spice Orange, Coconut Choc ect. I got given the Orginal Luquid Choc.

You lovelies should totally should give this stuff a try.

Until then!
Kylie xox is out!

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